How it works for Sellers

Learn how we made the process to sell your timeshare easy, affordable and set you up for success.

Our awesome features
Create a listing

When you're ready to sell your timeshare, get started by creating a listing. Input your details, asking price, and let the market see what you have to offer. Plus we got you covered with pictures and resort details already.

Our awesome features
Monitor your listing

We will notify you via email of all offers you receive for your timeshare. If a buyer offers the asking price, then we will accept and notify you.

Our awesome features
Start the transfer

We prepare the paperwork for you and the buyer to sign and complete and file the necessary paperwork to your home resort or timeshare developer.

Our awesome features
Get Paid

Once the buyer has the timeshare in their name and you have been released by the resort, you will get all proceeds from the sale.

Frequently Asked Questions for Sellers

Like anything else, it's a function of supply and demand + how competitively you price your listing.

You decide at the time of listing if you or the buyer will pay your resort's transfer fees.

No - we charge based on our role. You can either list it without us as the transfer agent or hire us to do both.

Because our business costs money to run. And there are ZERO free options to list your timeshare: eBay will cost around $50 per month while some other listing services charge thousands.

As long as a buyer has not paid for your listing.

List your timeshare

Get your timeshare listed on Allied Transfers in less than 60 seconds